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Lost for Once

Melissa Moreno's daughter. You do not have permission to copy this image.

Sometimes it's okay to be lost. Wandering. Observing and feeling what's right for YOU.

You can be both happy and melancholic, both courageous and afraid. Both unsure and sure of all of it. Yes, we CAN coexist with our emotions.

Aware that transitions aren't forever, but knowing that it's okay to be imperfect. At least once in life. Just let it all fall apart. Say, I’m working on it. I don't know... But I will know.

Sometimes the support of those nearest isn't there. It's okay. Because this is ours. And being stripped of what you have while rebuilding a new life can create an awakening. Whether the world can respect this of you now or not, YOU know: I'm where I need to be right now.

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